SAMI (Masazumi Aso) released his new album “Moon Over the Ruined Castle (Kojo no Tsuki)” to worldwide retail and online stores music CD and downloads on December 20, 2013. His beautiful piano solo sound creates a Japanese traditional “Wabi-Sabi” art; guiding people to corroborate with the beauty of nature.
Because of our advanced science-filled environment, modern technologies and hectic way of life, we now live in manmade surroundings and farther away from nature and peace. We are unconsciously losing the harmony between nature and the peaceful mind. When I was young, I loved to go into the forest and quietly spend time with nature for several peaceful hours. My “Wabi-Sabi” art was born. We, the Japanese people, have a strong desire to keep nature in balance. “Wabi-Sabi” art not only reflects physical art but it also reflects the spiritual art inside each person. This is the very basis of the Japanese concept of art. The well-known art of “Zen” is also the basis of this very same concept.
Back home in Japan, whenever I would start playing the piano, the birds would always come to my window and sing alongside the piano. The plants would actually grow taller and have more blossoms. When I would start to play, I felt this harmony with nature. My new album “Moon Over the Ruined Castle (Kojo no Tsuki)” has this art element within the piano solo because I play with nature’s harmony in mind and it is truly my original style of art. As you listen to this album, you will feel the harmony with the spirit of nature as if you were in the forest yourself and communicating with nature directly. The music will lead you into peace and away from your daily stress; giving you complete peace with the healing power of nature. This is my goal that anyone enjoying my album will feel refreshed and recharged in their lives just like nature intended. The art work of the top cover was presented by his mother, Ms Sumiko Aso, 93 years old, in Japanese Traditional art, titled “The Cliff and the Moon”. And the title song “Moon over the Ruined Castle” was requested by Mr. Masakazu Aso, 103 years old. Sami's album and songs are available also free music downloads and mp3 music download in world wide.
日本大学文理学部卒業、米国テキサス大学大学院オーケストラ指揮科修士課程卒業。ピアノを尾高惇忠(作曲家)、指揮をHarold Farberman(指揮者、作曲家、著書:The Art of Conducting Technique)広上淳一、増井信貴に師事。
5歳よりピアノを始める。現在の桐朋学園大学である「子供の為の音楽教室」の井口愛子先生に才能を認められピアニストとなる為の教育を受け始めるが、手が小さい事で思うように曲が弾けない事で自己の能力の限界を感じるようになる。その後、湘南学園高校に入学して合唱の指揮をするようになり、指揮者として音楽を演奏する喜びに目覚める。その後は親の反対もあり、日本大学文理学部英文学科卒業後商社勤めを始める。1988年から当時勤務していた矢崎総業株式会社よりアメリカに出向した際に、従業員・地域社会との交流を深める為にバンドを結成してキーボード奏者として幅広いジャンルでの演奏活動を開始。音楽を自由に楽しむ喜びを深める。2003年に当時の社員からの勧めもあり、会社経営の傍らオーケストラの指揮者になる夢を忘れない目的で、テキサス大学大学院オーケストラ指揮科の修士課程に入学、2005年に卒業。その後、ニューヨークバード大学(ジュリアード音楽院姉妹校)指揮科でも指揮の研鑽を積む。2006年に最初のアルバム「Feelings」(ピアノと独自のオーケストレーション)を制作、Aspirion Records (Label)よりアメリカ音楽界デビューを果たす。さらに曲「Sami’s land」でアメリカヒットチャート(ビルボード)の20位に入る快挙を成し遂げる。2013年には多くのファンの要望もあり、ピアノソロアルバム「荒城の月」を制作。独自のラベル:New Sound Musicでアマゾン、アップル、Spotify、Google等で発売開始。
Copyright © 2017 Masazumi Aso (Sami) - All Rights Reserved.